グルメ 【京都】西日本一狭い市 向日市で旬の筍を食らう Muko City, located in the southwest of the Kyoto Basin, is the narrowest city in western Japan.Bamboo shoots are a local... 2024.04.21 グルメ
グルメ 京都 おくどさんで作る絶品親子丼 大宮「とり伊」 “Okudo-san.” It means ''Kamado'' in the Kyoto dialect.Although it is rare these days when electricity has become widespr... 2024.04.09 グルメ未分類
グルメ 京都の左下グルメ情報 桂 特選近江牛「くいしんぼー山中」 There are not many tourist spots in the lower left corner of Kyoto, and it is not very conspicuous as a travel destinati... 2024.04.07 グルメ未分類
グルメ 京都で食べる本格ナポリピッツァ 烏丸「ピッツェリア マリータ」 Authentic account! Is the gourmet site highly-rated store really a good storeseries (1)Karasuma "Pizzeria Marita" When c... 2024.04.04 グルメ